Saturday, May 12, 2007

Hello, bad day.

So my day has pretty much sucked so far. Let me explain.

First, I can't see my boyfriend because his dad needs to, oh DIE. And I miss the kid like mad. Not fair, at all. So I virtually have nothing to do for the rest of the day, except watch the hockey game tonight at eight (go Sabres). But I really wish Jeremy (my boyfriend) could come over, because my mom is a whorebag and needs someone to push her off a cliff. I shall volunteer. And while I can understand the fact that his dad wants to take something away from him, take something away that causes the problem, not some random person.

Next. Last night SUCKED. I wanted to have fun. Ok, the soccer thing was fun, because boys being dumbasses and having us girls laugh at them is fun. But back at Andy's house? Zzzz. I could have walked home and no one would have noticed. If you're going to invite people over to your house, can you at least give them something to do? And while I'm on that, aren't your parents supposed to be home? Don't tell me that your parents are supposed to be home, and then they leave like five minutes after we get there. That just doesn't happen for me. And while I like hanging out with my friends, don't ignore me the minute you happen to find something more entertaining. And Jess, not talking about you here, because you totally did not ignore me, you were really nice and I thank you. But for everyone else, don't ask me what the fuck is wrong if I'm sitting on the floor with my arms looped around my knees. Please.

So instead of staying there for another hour and dying of boredom I left. Thank you Caleb and Jess for walking me home. I don't mean to be rude, and I'm not trying to be. I just wanted to speak my mind, and I hope you don't get offended.

And come on. What does it say under the title of my blogsite? THAT I SPEAK MY MIND. Not in so many words, but you get the point.


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