Friday, June 6, 2008


So I decided to come post another blog, even though no one reads them, because I'm ridic bored. Again. And I have no one to talk to. AGAIN.

Story of my life.

School was a lot of fun today for once. APUSH. Ugh I really fucking hate that lady. Like honestly? She can go jump off a cliff please. I knew she was going to say she wasn’t dropping the project, because she’s kinda not nice like that. And it really confuses me because this has nothing to do with the regents. Like if it was related to the regents I’d be like oh okay well I’ll try my best to get it done. But what really kills me is that we didn’t do jack before the AP exam, and now she’s doing all this stuff before the regents. Probably because if we do bad on the regents she looks bad. Whatever I’m so over it.

It was HOT today haha probably because I was in school ((joke joke)). Although I was freezing since I spent like four periods in too air-conditioned rooms. It was nice, but I was a Popsicle! I needed someone to hold me because I NEEDED body heat. Like ridic bad. Oh well I know no one will.


Gonna go play the Sims now I guess. Or I don’t know find something to do. I have no one to talk to and I’m really bored.
